Accomplishment in a sentence as a noun

This appears to be a major personal accomplishment and milestone for you. Best of luck as you grow into your next level of success.

Additionally, it's a task that gives you a tangible sense of accomplishment. Being able to fix bugs is cool, but often they are very low impact.

And he still is an awesome developer and the Linux kernel is not his only accomplishment. Git is another one.

After speaking to him for many weeks, I finally realized how insane his accomplishment is. Apparently, in all of this, he had been creating his site on computers that were not his.

"The enthusiasm shown for this accomplishment on Hacker News is borderline ridiculous." Some thoughts: 1.

At the same time, it is a tremendously amazing accomplishment that one man essentially toiled away in secret and created a massive number theory library like this! When I google his name I find nothing.

While I understand there can be a great sense of accomplishment to come up with an idea and pull it together in a short amount of time, I far more appreciate projects that people have dedicated months and years of their lives to. Forget weekend whims.

\n\nTo almost any employer, that is not an accomplishment, much less a highlight! If you're a high school dropout who is very accomplished since then, just silently drop any mention of your education from your resume.

However if history and open source have taught us nothing else it is that the condition of the human spirit is towards accomplishment. The goal in finding good people to work with is finding people whose sense of accomplishment shares the same spirit as yours.

I was sure that being called a child molester in reply to pointing out your lack of credible accomplishment would win me first, but sadly I did not even place in the top three.

This is no small accomplishment, which anyone knowing just a little bit about how the IT departments in the banking industry normally works, the systems they work on are arcane. It took us 18 months from getting the bank to like the idea into actually getting it launched.

Honor his example of service, accomplishment and modesty, and the next time you walk outside on a clear night and see the moon smiling down at you, think of Neil Armstrong and give him a wink.

Making a lot of money does not automatically equate accomplishment. Contrast this with the SpaceX announcement on the homepage at the moment. If Elon Musk succeeds, which I certainly hope for then that will be an accomplishment.

Fighting" here, the battle between the heroic pursuit of accomplishment on the one hand and the "insidious machine called quo" on the other, is just the author reporting his own conflicts about what he wants to do. Part of him wants to expend massive amounts of energy attempting to out-compete the people he sees as his peers.

Those who try to take away from his accomplishment by either convincing him that it would be "smarter" to be spineless or that somehow it's wrong to have a spine, are even more despicable than Josh's abusive ex-boss.

But not so much for a small advertiser who just paid Facebook a few hundred or a few thousand bucks so that Facebook could use the ads like click-bait for: people aiming to hone their Edge Rank content preferences, people who are bored and enjoy choosing which ads they like best in the list, or people who want to get their Likes 'score' higher because it gives them a sense of accomplishment. Trust me, once an small advertiser learns that there are two types of people on Facebook, and they get charged the same amount for clicks from each, they are not happy.

Quote Examples using Accomplishment

I think this is an incredibly impressive accomplishment, and SpaceX's ambitions to make it possible to do manned missions to Mars is exactly what we need to bring humanity forward. Just from the science side alone, having actual people on Mars would be of tremendous value. If you think of what we know about Mars, think about how much more we would know if we were able to do more complex experiments there. Whether you personally think it's a good idea to settle down on Mars or not isn't very relevant. You're pointing at some very relevant issues, but why not phrase it in a more constructive tone? I'm sorry for the negativity, but it pisses me off when grand ideas and accomplishments are dismissed so offhandedly.


Accomplishment definitions


the action of accomplishing something

See also: achievement


an ability that has been acquired by training

See also: skill acquirement acquisition attainment