Accounting in a sentence as a noun

You can't 'move fast and break things' if you are writing an accounting package or code for a chemical reaction chamber.

The accounting required is certainly tricky, but it's also widely accepted and tied to reality.

Mac OS X does all the internal accounting to verify that the CPU supports VT-x, VT-x isn't already enabled, etc. It also supports this feature called _exclusive_ access to VT-x.

You should be designing your studio to accommodate modest returns, while accounting for inevitable flops.

"Donate" has a very specific meaning, at least in the US, and comes with numerous accounting connotations, including the ability to write off the expense.

" Sure, the disciplines OP mentions are sexy, cool, and important, but so is manufacturing stuff, distributing it, accounting for the money exchanged, and a million other "boring" things.

One should take these claims with a pinch of salt as what counts as 'engine' and what counts as 'plumbing' and what counts as fuel tank is sort of open to debate and you can do some creative accounting to make your numbers look better.

On the front-end, the decision making process for purchasing enterprise software is driven by checklists and "due diligence" procedures that are horrible at accounting for software quality.

Things like microprocessors, thermostats, smart Tvs, graphics cards, dialysis machines, car entertainment systems, accounting packages, factory floor software, and so much more are the engines of our economy.

These companies like centralizing technology decisions, large multi-year commitments and have complex IT accounting considerations.

" That is why it costs many millions of dollars to do the legal and accounting work to take a company public but only a couple of thousand to issue stock in a new corporation and only a few tens of thousands to raise a few million in a Series A private placement.

Rather than just allow you to pass login tokens to Flexible Payments, however, they have decided to provide a completely incompatible API with a new set of endpoints, a completely incompatible accounting system, and even completely new terminology to describe the same set of steps.

Accounting definitions


a convincing explanation that reveals basic causes; "he was unable to give a clear accounting for his actions"


a system that provides quantitative information about finances


the occupation of maintaining and auditing records and preparing financial reports for a business

See also: accountancy


a bookkeeper's chronological list of related debits and credits of a business; forms part of a ledger of accounts


a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance; "they send me an accounting every month"

See also: account