Psychedelic in a sentence as an adjective

Really, a lot of people use psychedelic ***** and learn nothing.

Taking a vacation and doing psychedelic ***** are two great ways to remind yourself of this.

Yeah, well, they'd never bothered him until he wrote 2 books that contained the recipes for making lots of psychedelic *****.

He was well known, loved, and respected as one of the most highly accomplished psychedelic chemists in history.

[3]And where does all this leave psychedelics, many of which have been shown to be far less harmful than opium, alcohol, and tobacco?

If you have issues with anxiety, depression, or panic, you should probably stay away from psychedelic ***** outright.

"While *** and ********** do sometimes cause people to hallucinate, this is only one small part of the psychedelic experience.

Should anyone go to jail or be considered "evil" or "hedonistic" for the curiosity to try some psychedelics?

Should psychedelic therapies be researched and made available?

In fact, many studies have shown the benefit of psychedelics when used constructively for therapeutic purposes.

Psychoactive lotus is interesting and mildly psychedelic, and seems to be innocuous.

"maybe because it's not really like dreaming at all?calling a psychedelic trip a "waking dream" really undermines the way your consciousness is altered during a trip.

You're trivializing the psychedelic experience by saying that *** trivializes the death of a child by making it equivalent to downing a pill.

Isn't the whole point of flat design replacing the loud superfluousness of skeuomorphism's textures with equally jarring psychedelic colour schemes?

The graphs are brilliantly clear to me, but I have a background in electronic derivatives trading and so am used to staring at wiggling psychedelic surfaces for hours on end. Nanex's audience is algorithmic securities traders.

I'm not talking about addiction because the most interesting ***** are generally non-addictive psychedelics, so much as a kind of subtle reliance that creeps up on a person.

When I was 21, I encountered John Lilly's theories of cognitive metaprogramming with psychedelics, and I designed a trip to convince myself -- at a really primal level -- of the fundamental beauty, power, and accessibility of math.

Well it's an analgesic, euphoric, prosocial, psychedelic, stimulating, sedating, relatively non-addictive plant that will grow in most parts of the world, may actually be healthier for you than not using it, and to top it off has been a cornerstone of youth culture for fifty-odd years.

It is a state of bliss, a participation mystique, a connectedness with both the interior and exterior universes, which has come about after the ingestion of a psychedelic drug, but which is not necessarily repeatable with a subsequent ingestion of that same drug.

Psychedelic definitions


producing distorted sensory perceptions and feelings or altered states of awareness or sometimes states resembling psychosis; "psychedelic drugs like psilocybin and mescaline"


having the vivid colors and bizarre patterns associated with psychedelic states; "a psychedelic painting"


(of a mental state) characterized by intense and distorted perceptions and hallucinations and feelings of euphoria or sometimes despair; "a psychedelic experience"