Gospels in a sentence as a noun

The end product will be multiple volumes, with the gospels making the first volume.

The first volume will contain the four gospels, the second Acts, Romans, and some of the epistles.

When going through some of the materials, there were references to the same stories in different gospels.

There several "gnostic gospels" from all around Roman times, that mention whatever the authors intended.

> "But there are loads of early Christian books / "gospels" that survive or rediscovered which are quite different from what's in the bible, and no-one really cares.

Wider readership could possibly erode support for the Church, as people realize just how pedestrian and hamfisted some of the early Church writings were, and they might start to read the gospels more critically.

The Gospel of Thomas has the strongest claim to being contemporary with the other gospels, but even that claim is fairly weak; the GoT appears to quote heavily from and allude to the other writings, as if it was written at a later date in response.

However, the question of the existence of Jesus as a historical figure should be distinguished from discussions about the historicity of specific episodes in the gospels, the chronology they present, or theological issues regarding his divinity.

Gospels definitions


the four books in the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) that tell the story of Christ's life and teachings

See also: Gospel Gospels evangel