Urbane in a sentence as an adjective

Or maybe that she's pretending to be urbane when she's rural?

This place is one of the most urbane communities in which I’ve participated.

Its an aspect of a larger part of the hipster culture, which wants to seem jaded and urbane and oh-so-witty.

Unless you are in an urbane place though, good lucking finding a recycling station within walking station.

Prior to 2010 it had the image of "******* sprawlville", but it elected an urbane, muslim, gay-welcoming mayor.

The linked critique has one point where it says "polished exteriors of urbane and civilized modern cells" which is complete nonsense.

People talk **** on LA because it's like a cheat code to being sophisticated and urbane, not because they actually know anything about the city.

Oddly enough it's usually done by the managerial, urbane, upper-middle class white crowd.

Not a thing, i missed out on the one g watch urbane they had in and then found it cheaper elsewhere anyway other than that there werent that many great deals to be had

* Where XYZ includes women, liquor, food, music but not high speed Internet, political freedom, clean air or urbane conversation.

Keep humans in a constant state of rushing and anxiety, then quell them with gastropubs and single-origin coffee and other urbane pleasures, in order reinforce a permanent state of discontent.

> when it's clearly not as bad as they're portraying itby any global or historic standards, none of it in the US qualifies for the apocalyptic media portrayalsthis is what happens when your media is all rich, urbane, etc.

Urbane definitions


showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that comes from wide social experience; "his polished manner"; "maintained an urbane tone in his letters"

See also: polished refined svelte