Fury in a sentence as a noun

**** hath no fury like a nerd scorned...

The other founders might love 'bob' and want to spare him from internet fury.

All the rest is mostly sound and fury, signifying nothing.

Which tends to be lots of sound and lots of fury but very little in the way of action.

Their current comments harbor some of the most idiotic fury I've seen on the internet.

I actually don't understand the sound and fury over this; it seems perfectly reasonable to me.

I also hoped it would take some of the fury off the bug reports from people who hadn't tried any of the betas or RCs and now are finding problems.

When a seemingly legitimate transaction can unexpectedly invite the fury of paypal's overzealous fraud protection drones, how could the reaction be anything but?

Fury definitions


a feeling of intense anger; "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"; "his face turned red with rage"

See also: rage madness


state of violent mental agitation

See also: craze delirium frenzy hysteria


the property of being wild or turbulent; "the storm's violence"

See also: ferocity fierceness furiousness vehemence violence wildness


(classical mythology) the hideous snake-haired monsters (usually three in number) who pursued unpunished criminals

See also: Fury Eumenides Erinyes