Rage in a sentence as a noun

My own thoughts on the negligence and indolence of the PC industry are full of rage.

Even though it's a small thing compared to everything else in life Keurig machines fill me with rage.

If Jeff says that he equates ******* with rage quitting a game, I'm prepared to believe that he believes it.

I believe that she's further stoking the internet's rage by refusing to admit any fault.

As similar debates rage on in copyright and patent spaces, I think the need for that perspective will remain.

The amount of rage-induced facepalming this causes is immense.

I enjoy many beverages that come in plastic bottles, but that plastic, even if recycled, comes at substantial cost.

When people tell me that I should "do projects in my own free time to keep my skills sharp", it throws me into a fit of rage and makes me want to tear them a new one.

In the first half of the 20th century the radical mastectomy was all the rage, but in reality provided little benefit.

Rage in a sentence as a verb

Similarly, another officer was caught on store surveillance taking his rage out on a teenager in a convenience store, stomping on his face, after a failed drug bust next door.

However, this article is neither empowering through interdependence nor through independence, just a slab of rage press with a bit of correlation without causation statistics.

Don't you see how saying "You can only use our payment processor on Google Play" and immediately following it up with "Our payment processor is not available in your country" is rage-inducing?

[rage comic goes here]- Most bugs/edge cases I encounter in our production apps are things I'd never think to write a test for ...- I deal with custom domains, authentication, and 3rd party API calls in almost every app we have.

This is David going against the wishes of every other maintainer of every other piece of software Rails works with, as well as other Rails maintainers, and then painting their comments as 'nerd rage' and 'organizational failures.

While I don't really approve of the anti-sourceforge attitude, I do understand it; when SF had essentially a monopoly on open source project storage, they chose to milk it and rest on their laurels rather than improve themselves.

But it seemed that my landmark contribution to human knowledge was going to be what TechCrunch dubbed "extended rageface support".So when the lawyers asked me to provide illustrations of “example uses", I did the only reasonable thing.

NP and failed, do we encourage the 10,001th guy to give it a shot as well, or do we tell him to learn some math and CS first, and gain an appreciation for why the problem is hard and probably not worth taking on unless you really really know what you're doing?

The willingness for people to quickly swallow and parrot a 1-dimensional narrative of "Paul Graham, sexist pig" based upon a few quotes taken out of context in a highly edited, 3rd hand rage-blog by ******* Vallywag is the type of behavior I expect from political spinmeister hacks trotted out on the 24 hour news channels, not from smart people who I respect.

Rage definitions


a feeling of intense anger; "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"; "his face turned red with rage"

See also: fury madness


a state of extreme anger; "she fell into a rage and refused to answer"


something that is desired intensely; "his rage for fame destroyed him"

See also: passion


violent state of the elements; "the sea hurled itself in thundering rage against the rocks"


an interest followed with exaggerated zeal; "he always follows the latest fads"; "it was all the rage that season"

See also: craze furor furore cult


behave violently, as if in state of a great anger

See also: ramp storm


be violent; as of fires and storms


feel intense anger; "Rage against the dying of the light!"