Unshakable in a sentence as an adjective

It's not like there's some sort of an unshakable, absolute truth hardware log that details every single data access.

Even sooner, if not already, China will become an unshakable hegemon over all of Asia.

By definition, a pure psychopath feels absolutely no remorse, no guilt, and has an unshakable egocentric view that does not change.

Its amazing to me how impervious to contrary evidence its adherents are... their blind faith in their core beliefs are so unshakable.

It is dogma because it is an unshakable belief that automatically excludes any other ways of looking at the world.

This should be an unshakable principle going forward, especially from large government institutions, but also from end-users.

"Out on the street, suspended with the speed-adaptive air suspension, the Model S has an utterly unshakable, gantry-like vibe to it, even with the big meats in the wheel wells.

Interesting article how only >10% of the population with an unshakable believe can "convert" the entire population.

Acrobat : namely to find the balance between having an unshakable faith in you, towards the product, and at the same time be ready to take slaps in stride, be ready to change tack without the weathervane.

This can only be accomplished through the cooperative efforts of many unshakable, energetic people – people who are unified regarding the means necessary to achieve their goal.

These robber barons built generational fortunes whose relative scale and unshakable concentration are unmatched by anything since, including today.

The bottom line seems to be that the police and Crimestoppers have absolute unshakable faith in Google and are comfortable outsourcing crime victims' privacy to an American advertising company.

Computers can measure to arbitrary precision, so that's not the problem, and if you have good reason to think that you have 25 sigmas worth of evidence, that's still very different from a religious belief which needs infinitely more evidence to justify, or a religious belief of having unshakable meta-belief in the probabilistic model such that you never update it when it's wrong.

Unshakable definitions


marked by firm determination or resolution; not shakable; "firm convictions"; "a firm mouth"; "steadfast resolve"; "a man of unbendable perseverence"; "unwavering loyalty"

See also: firm steadfast steady stiff unbendable unfaltering unwavering


without flaws or loopholes; "an ironclad contract"; "a watertight alibi"; "a bulletproof argument"

See also: unassailable watertight bulletproof