Watertight in a sentence as an adjective

They must be watertight like contracts where the voters can sue.

Then you need it to be watertight even with 100 MPH winds blowing on it.

Many commenters claim that pastor is not watertight, and that is of course 100% true.

A pitch deck for an hour long VC meeting doesn't have to be so watertight, because if investors have questions they can ask them.

So they were well-aware that a watertight amendment process was no bar to the truly determined.

Are they so thorough and accurate they've ended up with a watertight business case for that proposition?

The guarantee isn't crucial, it doesn't have to be watertight; the fact that it sets up an expectation of privacy and non-sharing changes the social context.

I am not convinced that the Egyptians could build watertight channels at this scale, especially those shown climbing up the ***** of the pyramid which would have to be watertight at the top too, and under great pressure.

It will be a huge and tedious effort, and it cannot succeed - you simply will not be able to write a specification that is watertight enough to prevent the client coming back and asking for changes.

For the sake of the argument, let's accept "The structural engineer reckons that would be impossible as the ramps would have had to have been at least a quarter of a mile long" and ""If that happened, there would still be signs that the ramps had been there, and there aren't any."This idea replaces that quarter mile ramp by a waterway with a difference in water level of 150+ meter and thus with 150+ meter high watertight walls that can withstand the pressure.

Watertight definitions


not allowing water to pass in or out


without flaws or loopholes; "an ironclad contract"; "a watertight alibi"; "a bulletproof argument"

See also: unassailable unshakable bulletproof