Bulletproof in a sentence as a verb

This might not be bulletproof, but it's pretty good.

* Why do you think Bitcoin is bulletproof?

The study you cite confirming their claims sounds bulletproof.

I don't think it's possible to make it bulletproof, and I don't think there are many server apps that have this property.

* Why would a non-leaky crypto review imply that Bitcoin was bulletproof?

Bulletproof in a sentence as an adjective

Psychologists have known this for a long time and it's one of the most bulletproof findings in psychology.

It's as close to a bulletproof count as you can get." [1]In the face of significant US interference Venezuala could have gone extremely dictatorial, but it seems they went the other way and implemented a more secure voting process than in many other countries where electronic voting is used.

Colin was involved in security with BSD, and made a no-BS almost bulletproof encrypted backup solution on top of untrusted hardware, and has created something of actual value.

If you just type up idiomatic Erlang OTP code, you have to go out of your way to not have a bulletproof server; if you just type up idiomatic Go code it's on you to make sure you're not excessively sharing state and that you aren't going to see your entire server doing tens of thousands of things come down due to one unhandled exception.

Bulletproof definitions


make bulletproof; "bulletproof the car"


without flaws or loopholes; "an ironclad contract"; "a watertight alibi"; "a bulletproof argument"

See also: unassailable unshakable watertight


not penetrable by bullets; "bulletproof glass"; "bulletproof vest"