Impervious in a sentence as an adjective

You wouldn't be impervious to ye olde mail merge!

> Can you tell me which language is impervious to SQL vulnerabilities?That's not the point.

It was represented to us that when the room in the Capitol was closed up, it was impervious to any then-known form of surveillance.

It took what 3-5 years to make roundup impervious parasites?Terminator seeds that can't actually create a viable organism?

Nigh-impervious to damage, wielding weapons Zeus would have feared, there was no progression anymore, I had beaten the difficulty curve simply by grinding my way ahead of it.

Robotics offers the ultimate tools in this area: targeted lethality, impervious to human frailties, and an Information Age cleverness.

They're also great for a newbie, because in one challenge you'll implement something that seems impervious to attack, then in the following challenge you'll attack and break it, often via an unexpected attack vector.

The statement that this article claims to be disproving is quite clear - that "Wine is a complicated elixir, full of subtle flavors only an expert can truly distinguish, and experienced tasters are impervious to deception.

They were talking about all the safety features, and the multiple levels of basically impervious containment, and how radioactive material would never get out into the environment.

Impervious definitions


not admitting of passage or capable of being affected; "a material impervious to water"; "someone impervious to argument"

See also: imperviable