Unmanageable in a sentence as an adjective

In C, if you make a mess, you will more likely notice it before it's unmanageable.

" Once a woman does have a child, she adds, the long, inflexible hours become unmanageable.

This is also one of the primary reasons enterprise software ends up so bloated and unmanageable.

There's been times when I didn't have time to catch my flight, or my stress levels were bordering on unmanageable, or I didn't want to miss that wedding at any cost.

If the law was computer software, at this point it would be a giant unmanageable screwball of spaghetti code that would crash daily and would require patches 3 times a week.

It's easy to let even the simplest project spiral into unmanageable complexity, and it's deeply challenging work to prevent that.

For example, the flood-of-email with filters works incredibly well for transparency at 40 people, but becomes an unmanageable deluge much past 100.

Before the near-universal requirement for confirmed opt in, it was a reasonably common attack/prank to sign up someone else for tons of lists, causing them to receive unmanageable amounts of email per day. Alternatively, sign them up for lists they'd consider offensive, or that'd get them in trouble at work.

If I'm unhappy with work conditions -- be it bad management, burden of unmanageable technical debt, incompatible culture or the mundane problem of low pay -- I am expected to `vote with my feet'.

Alan Kay advocated OOP as something to do when complexity became unmanageable: encapsulate it behind simpler interfaces.

He considered the US system “absolutely unmanageable”.However long this goes on for, they'll continue throwing resources at this individual and never show a single sheet of figures to any of his relatives.

Unmanageable definitions


difficult to use or handle or manage because of size or weight or shape; "we set about towing the unwieldy structure into the shelter"; "almost dropped the unwieldy parcel"

See also: unwieldy


hard to control; "a difficult child", "an unmanageable situation"

See also: difficult


difficult to solve or alleviate; "uncontrollable pain"

See also: uncontrollable


incapable of being controlled or managed; "uncontrollable children"; "an uncorrectable habit"

See also: uncontrollable uncorrectable