Uncorrectable in a sentence as an adjective

The uncorrectable bit error rate is for the raw block storage.

One is that the write clobbers multiple sectors in which case you would get uncorrectable sectors.

Remote edge cases in a purely machine system would lead to uncorrectable errors, from time to time.

Due to uncorrectable vision issues, I have a 30" monitor roughly 1' from my face.

The other problem is learning as you go. It seems like some of his mistakes were in the very early days of the site, and they were uncorrectable due to Google caches and such.

It may even be an uncorrectable memory or pcie error you are seeing and the info is logged in the oops but is hard to figure otherwise.

My 2: I've been on Hetzner for a few months, experimentally, and the sporadic 'offline uncorrectable sector' emails I'm getting from smartd are making me nervous.

Google's report suggests they haven't even been able to cause uncorrectable two-bit errors yet, let alone undetectable three-bit ones.

Now the comment is completely incorrect, undeletable, and uncorrectable!

All sentences have some degree of uncorrectability, and while capital punishment is clearly the most uncorrectable sentence, that would be expected given that it's the harshest sentence.

Yeah, ECC is going to make exploiting this reliably a lot harder - you'd need to **** three or more bits in the right combination, without first hitting a combination of bits that'd be detected as an uncorrectable error.

Despite these precautions, the typical media error rate in disks is specified by the manufacturers as one bit error per 1014 to 1015 bits read, which corresponds approximately to one uncorrectable error per 10TBytes to 100TBytes transferred.

Whereas if you declare yourself the final authority and refuse to facilitate user modifications, or worse actively interfere with them, then any mistakes you make are silently uncorrectable.

Uncorrectable definitions


incapable of being controlled or managed; "uncontrollable children"; "an uncorrectable habit"

See also: uncontrollable unmanageable