Lumber in a sentence as a noun

You happen to know off the top of your head that: African black wood is the heaviest lumber.

Say you sell lumber, and I sell furniture, and buy a lot of my raw materials from you.

Since ghouls are also the unit that gathers lumber for the Undead Race, they enter a no-collision state when you right click on a tree.

However, your lumber is still top quality despite that, so I keep buying your lumber even while suing you over your furniture.

I quipped at the time that maybe they were worried about the assets being used to buy lumber for longships from Norway and wealthy bankers going a-Viking again.

Lumber in a sentence as a verb

The paper industry is a net carbon sink; much more carbon is captured in growing the forests of fast-growth trees they plant and cut down than in manufacturing paper or lumber products from it.

I only bought or rented about half the tools I needed -Working in the lumber industry meant access to cheaper lumber -Personal frugality and a frugal wife were huge accelerants.

If they chop the trees down for lumber, as seems to be the destiny for all tropical forests, the soil will dry, and microbes will be able to start decomposing the biotic material currently locked up in an anaerobic environment.

It is a case of the orchard selling lumber, burning down your value in order to get a short-term gain that can never expand.>Many companies have been literally begging for me to figure out a way to take their money and add some features to npm.

A fool takes in all the lumber of every sort that he comes across, so that the knowledge which might be useful to him gets crowded out, or at best is jumbled up with a lot of other things so that he has a difficulty in laying his hands upon it.

Lumber definitions


the wood of trees cut and prepared for use as building material

See also: timber


an implement used in baseball by the batter


move heavily or clumsily; "The heavy man lumbered across the room"

See also: pound


cut lumber, as in woods and forests