Uncontrollable in a sentence as an adjective

I am glad that we have in this world at least a few rich people with uncontrollable curiosity.

Forgive me, perhaps it's the cranky Britishness in me coming out like an uncontrollable fountain of bile, but sweet jesus this bloke is an insufferable hipster.

If plane crashes happened with precise, predictable regularity, once every three weeks, say, then that would be a sign that there was some sort of terrible uncontrollable force at work in the world.

However, excavation was abandoned as a result of uncontrollable ground-water flooding.

Sometimes it manifests as intense, uncontrollable interest in certain narrow topics and a sensitivity to certain sounds, foods, smells, etc, and a shy or awkward disposition.

Because the prior standard for currency, precious metal, was dangerously uncontrollable.

You can use a similar setup with:"Just then, one of the group said '42' and everyone chuckled, apart from person explaining [who probably needs an identity for this variant to work], who doubled up in paroxysms of uncontrollable laughter.

We're getting to a point where instead of being safe, we'll just be cocooned in a real-world filter bubble, where we never have to fear the unknown, uncontrollable, unsanitised real world that gets forced on us when we get on a bus or walk around a city.

The multi-rotor drones are basically uncontrollable without computers; you need a reasonably powerful processor, which in turn means a fairly high-capacity battery.

How much of abuse of our rights as citizens occurred in ways that can never be tracked or recorded?I'm sure they control digital as best they can, but between Manning and Snowden, I think we've seen that it's uncontrollable, and we get to see more than we've ever seen before.

Uncontrollable definitions


difficult to solve or alleviate; "uncontrollable pain"

See also: unmanageable


of persons; "the little boy's parents think he is spirited, but his teacher finds him unruly"

See also: indocile ungovernable unruly


incapable of being controlled or managed; "uncontrollable children"; "an uncorrectable habit"

See also: uncorrectable unmanageable


impossible to repress or control; "an irrepressible chatterbox"; "uncontrollable laughter"

See also: irrepressible