Sporadic in a sentence as an adjective

If it had been a sporadic hardware failure, they would have been exactly as screwed.

[0] Made about $450 over the time, but this was sporadic, random working periods.

The investigations continue, even if only in a sporadic fashion,as and when I have the time.

Customers that need sporadic work like this are probably far better served by retainer arrangements.

I had sporadic access to the internet, I had parents who were reasonably supportive of my studies, I knew English really well.

Even after almost 5 years of sporadic driving lessons, including a minor fender bender in my parent's driveway.

There is good reason to be skeptical about whether this animal model of the disease is clinically relevant to sporadic PD seen in patients.

But the cadence at 'web' players was sporadic at best and often frenetic, feature request, test, iterate, feature, iterate, test, coast, coast, coast, feature, feature, feature, test, coast, Etc.

It's the same wall of information with sporadic and indecipherable levels of emphasis made to look mildly palatable for another couple of years.

Calling Monsanto 'ethically ambiguous' is akin to describing Hitler as a 'colorful leader with sporadic public relations issues'.

Or you can try disassembling its code.- The bug can be due to bad machine code generated by a compiler.- The bug can be due to undocumented behavior in an operating system.- The bug could be in a really complex algorithm.- The bug might only reproduce at a customer's site with the customer's confidential data.- The bug might be sporadic, perhaps depending on certain patterns of network traffic.- The bug could be due to a fundamental misunderstanding of the original project requirements that will only become apparent after days of investigation.

Sporadic definitions


recurring in scattered and irregular or unpredictable instances; "a city subjected to sporadic bombing raids"