Unruly in a sentence as an adjective

By that time, the whole crowd was getting unruly, and we basically stormed out.

Is Japan a poor, unruly, starving country today?

> C++ code can quickly get unruly and ugly without diligence on the part of the programmers.

It would be awfully easy for a small group of terrorists to have one of their group act like a unruly drunk *******.

Good points all around, but any government that wants to maintain it's rule will portray freedom fighters as unruly rioters.

I'm assuming he means the Pike/Pine alley and Pioneer square, sadly famous for aggressive panhandling, unruly 'youth', and shootings.

I'm not sure that vesting shares is ideal there -- perhaps a well defined shotgun clause or similar is more reasonable to handle unruly founders.

The reddit community is so unruly that monetizing the site effectively is a major challenge.

Bash is a very good solution for many cases, but it becomes downright unruly when dealing with a lot of string manipulation and more complex objects.

Consider the fact that all the things I mentioned before were performed by governments, not unruly mobs in anarchic post revolutionary states.

In the former, you're going to be seen by your peers and upper management and somebody who had an easy task but can't control your unruly employees who keep strange hours and don't follow the dress code.

It's generally agreed upon that stealing physical goods, murdering, etc. make the world a more unruly, unpleasant, inefficient, discouraging place for meek, cooperative people.

It has understandable concerns about North Korean refugees flooding across its borders, but its tolerance of bad behavior and resistance to taking stronger action to influence it's unruly charge is leading to it losing face at best, and at worse being seen as contributing to a needless conflict with great loss of life should it occur.

Among women who are accidentally pregnant and unprepared to\n raise a child, the ones who terminate their pregnancies are likely to be\n forward-thinking, realistic, and disciplined, whereas the ones who carry\n the child to term are more likely to be fatalistic, disorganized, or\n immaturely focused on the thought of a cute baby rather than an unruly\n adolescent.

Unruly definitions


noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline; "a boisterous crowd"; "a social gathering that became rambunctious and out of hand"; "a robustious group of teenagers"; "beneath the rumbustious surface of his paintings is sympathy for the vulnerability of ordinary human beings"; "an unruly class"

See also: boisterous rambunctious robustious rumbustious


unwilling to submit to authority; "unruly teenagers"

See also: disobedient


of persons; "the little boy's parents think he is spirited, but his teacher finds him unruly"

See also: indocile uncontrollable ungovernable