Transfuse in a sentence as a verb

What if I transfuse blood from healthy young subjects?

This is so they can act quick to transfuse you if needed or know who to give your donated blood to.

That will 100% depend on if the transfused blood contains infection or disease.

Is the blood usable or not?The point is that we know which pathogens that we need to look out for in transfused blood.

Having to vet the source of the children's blood you vampire like transfuse yourself with sounds like a billionaire problem.

There was also a bit in Silicon Valley about how rich old entrepreneurs are hiring young 20 yr old 'blood boys' to transfuse them blood at will.

Apparently, they've discovered that children tend to develop diabetes if they're transfused with blood that contains the virus.

> There have been experiments that show getting 'young' blood transfused has a rejuvinating effectAs proven in the seminal paper by Stoker, B

That's a process by which an immune person donates antibody-containing plasma, which is then transfused into patients with active disease or at-risk people to supplement their immune system with "targeting data" for the disease.

Transfuse definitions


impart gradually; "Her presence instilled faith into the children"; "transfuse love of music into the students"

See also: instill


pour out of one vessel into another


treat by applying evacuated cups to the patient's skin


give a transfusion (e.g., of blood) to