Vampire in a sentence as a noun

As is any narrative where one side is the altruistic freedom fighter and the other side might as well have vampire fangs on.

Unless there is an emergency, don't bother me with a time vampire method of communication.

And then this is mostly an issue of infrastructure; if there were at least 120V plugs at every parking lot, you wouldn't ever have to worry about these vampire loads.

That a whole business of vampire consultants exist around exploiting that, with agreement from Revenue Canada, is the real lunacy.

For other examples of this, go read financial crisis reporting - "an evil vampire squid just ate a black swan and then pooped toxic waste onto innocent homeowners.

Tesla recently disabled in a patch the sleeping modes of some onboard components, and this vampire load might be contributing greatly to the large loss of energy reported overnight.

Not to mention that the Creative Cloud app itself is a battery vampire, automatically sets itself to launch at startup, constantly nags about updates, and then screws everything over when you do update.

For the sake of argument, let's assume OP is correct: the finance industry and corporations in general are indeed blood-sucking vampire squids jamming their funnels into everything that smells of money and are antithetical to human values.

It's the same in any arena: if I try to think of a "bad" novel, my mind won't even go to the acres of paperback romances or teen vampire stories: I'll think of books published in hard cover and mentioned as being in the running for the Booker prize, that happen to be trite, inept, and derivative.

Vampire definitions


(folklore) a corpse that rises at night to drink the blood of the living

See also: lamia