Seminal in a sentence as an adjective

Rosling made a seminal talk that is one of the 3 or 4 that I think of when I think of TED.

Hopefully in 30 years people will be able to read such seminal messages.

All that an no link to his seminal work itself, "From Dictatorship to Democracy".

This seems like one of the seminal issues of the decade, for this community in particular.

With his new thrust on whats called "deep belief networks" he is challenging his own early seminal contribution in the field.

It's interesting that neither this article or Paul's related December article ever address the most basic and seminal question about this in the first place: why is this a problem?

He has been seminal in his field, but he's no longer doing research which pushes at the boundaries of our understanding of language, how to model it, or what the fundamental nature of language understanding systems is.

Seminal definitions


pertaining to or containing or consisting of semen; "seminal fluid"


containing seeds of later development; "seminal ideas of one discipline can influence the growth of another"

See also: germinal originative