Surrealistic in a sentence as an adjective

This thread is surrealistic to me in light of the NPR retraction.

This entire thread is surrealistic and giving me Blade Runner vibes.. I love it.

He could make impressive futuristic and surrealistic scenes with these skills.

He's one of my favorite and most surrealistic comic artists!His web site is currently broken but it usually works, and has lots of awesome stuff on it.

Was someone actually paid to produce that document?As I scrolled downwards I just kept getting more and more convinced that it's some kind of ridiculous surrealistic joke thing.

Perhaps it could curtail some of the more surrealistic sounding outputs if there was an exploration of different branches on the result tree toward the final few layers.

I'd be curious if these oil droplets exhibit the surrealistic trajectory behavior.

I find its surrealistic depiction of bureaucracy so close to how one experiences bureaucracy in every day life.

Is either stupidity, insanity, tasteless and surrealistic trolling, or brilliant satire.

Now all of that said, a group actually did the experiment and showed that they only way someone would incorrectly conclude the trajectories were surrealistic would be if they mistakenly ignored the non-local nature of their behavior.

Surrealistic definitions


characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtapositions; "a great concourse of phantasmagoric shadows"--J.C.Powys; "the incongruous imagery in surreal art and literature"

See also: phantasmagoric phantasmagorical surreal