Phantasmagoric in a sentence as an adjective

Invitation to a Beheading is unusual, sort of phantasmagoric—a bit like Kafka at his most dreamlike. If you like movies that play games with "what is real", it's in that spirit.

The blend of nearly phantasmagoric horror, fantasy and a touch of science fiction is unique too. If anyone knows of any similar novels from other authors, i'm all ears.

It's earthy and archaic, and yet strangely phantasmagoric. It's a bit trite to say, but McCarthy talks a bit like William Faulkner on acid, exploring a hardscrabble alien planet.

However, in the phantasmagoric world of Spectre, these residual values can leave an impression which can be picked up through careful manipulation. Notably, MDS can also be exploited by the same thread.

It is exceedingly hard understand their point of view, because their point of view is inconsistent and their beliefs are phantasmagoric. Derision against this kind of willful ignorance is the minimum.

For those who seek ascension, maybe solve RH or reveal the GUT of the universe, create digital life or tackle the hard consciousess problem - maybe then Light pokes his head out and says Hi, and then you explode into a phantasmagoric cherry burst of firework mist. Or maybe nothing happens.

Ordinary physics, adhered to as closely as possible, and not phantasmagoric creation and annihilation rules, are used to calculate the next state.

It is possible to imagine a thing with these kinds of phantasmagoric, perhaps dreamlike properties, but the film medium, as we know it, doesn't allow for that kind of flexibility - the moment an image is crystallized on film, it becomes a fixed, static thing for all viewers. So in translating this to film format I think Garland really had to have his own personal take on the ideas in the book.

Phantasmagoric definitions


characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtapositions; "a great concourse of phantasmagoric shadows"--J.C.Powys; "the incongruous imagery in surreal art and literature"

See also: phantasmagorical surreal surrealistic