Curtail in a sentence as a verb

DT's message almost felt like posturing to underline the latter rather than a sincere statement to curtail the former.

It's as if to say that without the ability to decrypt interesting traffic, the NSA would be forced to take stronger measures to curtail internet traffic.

The answer, as de Tocqueville noted years ago, is not to place faith in leaders but rather to take personal responsibility in our lives and to curtail the powers of those who govern.

However, the author obviously has some mental obsession with pornography, he saw a problem with his porn use, and he felt like he needed some sort of external support to cope with and curtail his use.

This is the entire point -- they can do it easily with everyone now, they're not hitting people with wrenches -- that would invoke suspicion and retaliatory response that would curtail their legal powers to snoop around.

>> As a dad with young kids, I can assure you that if this were to happen to them, I'd wage all-out cyberwar, on the kids and any parents that didn't properly curtail their child's behavior after official notifications.

Levison's complete knowledge of his own system might have furnished him with plenty of opportunities to employ technicalities to drastically curtail the information he provided to DOJ.

I think it's up to the individual to be honest with themselves and decide whether they need to take drastic measures to curtail their porn use, whether it's a bad habit, or whether it's just another outlet and presents no threat to their emotional well-being.

And Obama, who was supposed to be "for the people, by the people" has done nothing to dismantle the programs put in place by previous administrations or to even curtail advances during the six years of his "kingship".I love my country, but how can I not be disillusioned with my government?

Curtail definitions


place restrictions on; "curtail drinking in school"

See also: restrict curb


terminate or abbreviate before its intended or proper end or its full extent; "My speech was cut short"; "Personal freedom is curtailed in many countries"

See also: clip