Strangled in a sentence as an adjective

Sounded like a cat on helium being strangled.

2-3 hours of coding a day, for everyone in the team, every day of the week, is something the team leader should be strangled for. Slowly.

Basically, the rest of the IT industry was being strangled to death. Two companies turned things round - Google and Apple.

If they all get strangled in their crib's progress slows. Imagine if Yahoo hadn't flubbed the acquisition of Google?

Our cultural heritage is being strangled enough due to overly strict copyright. We don't need to add to it.

They get strangled when there's not enough bandwidth to go around. Contrary to print ads, these tend to make me unwilling to deal with the advertiser.

Meanwhile this industry is complaining it's being strangled by piracy?

On a side note: shot, stabbed, or strangled doesn't make much difference to the homicide victim or their loved ones. Hopefully you'd have the same reaction if two of them were stabbed to death.

Quality control can happen ex post facto but creativity, once strangled, dies.

In these times, however, lawyers and government have strangled such bootstrap methods. Whether Tesla is a success or not, that the govt was needed indicates a failure in some other part of the system.

I don't have to read much between the lines to interpret a strangled reference to losing at pingpong as a more literal expression of his status. He posted this on his current employer's public forum, after all.

The result of oxygen deprivation is unfair and sad, but that doesn't mean the brain-damaged child strangled by his umbilical cord is more meritorious than the normal child. Let me be clear about "holistic" admissions.

> Children die because, almost universally, someone has strangled the market that would otherwise be allocating soap towards their rooms. It's ridiculous to say that, unless you know of some place in the world where soap is insanely expensive.

And now they've strangled all the ones that remained in that market. So basically, Twitter now has an obvious and provable history of leaving things open, deciding that thriving third-party market X is nice, stepping into it themselves, and killing everyone else there.

Students cry / “Or else we'll run around like apes, confused / Our brains are built for stories, not to scry / A world of numbers, strangled and abused.” The teacher sighs, “They always drag their feet / Unless they're cornered, up against the wall.

Children die because, almost universally, someone has strangled the market that would otherwise be allocating soap towards their rooms. There are more complicated reasons for child morality than lack of soap, but to the extent that they involve scarcity of resources, they largely reduce to the soap case.

Democracy needs transparency and journalism is one of the best means of ensuring this - and it was totally strangled in Iraq so that abuses by Pro-US Iraq groups got no criticism in US - and this leads to no criticism of our military and administration. This fails to be healthy.

Most of the ideas that Google put out during that 2004-2011 period were really stuff that could've been done as startups and would've probably been even better products as such, but because Google was able to put them out for free they basically "strangled" the startup ecosystem. Witness how the much-decried Reader cancellation has opened the door for Feedly to really take off.

That wake up call was when they strangled the Reader social community and started pushing Google+ so heavily on Gmail users: this social network wasn't going to be the kind of service you joined because you wanted to, it would be the sort which is even more hassle to ignore than to use.

Strangled definitions


held in check with difficulty; "a smothered cough"; "a stifled yawn"; "a strangled scream"; "suppressed laughter"

See also: smothered stifled suppressed