Smothered in a sentence as an adjective

That may be because it was smothered in dumb memes and jokes.

Thinks breastfeed is "disgusting" and how "it can **** babies because they can get smothered". I was just floored when I heard that from her telling it to my wife.

At the same time, England's progress was smothered under strong copyrights. The historian Eckhard Hffner has done a lot of research in this area.

Put Doritos on a cookie sheet, smothered them in cheese, and put them in the broiler. She thought they were weird and broken because I didn't use the normal plain-style tortilla chips.

Fear of government surveillance is entirely fear of smothered dissent. We must make sure our fears of the latter are logically sound before we fear the former.

It really is eye opening to see the role the NSA played and the tactics they used to try to keep things smothered. Not very different than what is still happening right now with the NSA, apparently.

Which is more likely to result in a calorie surplus: Salt on your mashed potatoes or salt on your buttered, cheese-smothered mashed potatoes? That is why I listed calorie-dense foods as #1.

Then when competition had been sufficiently smothered, development on IE was simply halted.

I'm feeling smothered just thinking about it. Seriously, if you think dick jokes are childish consider how much adult money they've made for adult comedians making adults laugh.

As for Visual Studio, I have Win7 and VS2010 on a machine I use every 6 months or so and I feel like I'm being smothered. VisualStudio wants me to write code in a way that locks me in to the Windows environment and that just not where I belong.

There's absolutely no reason that one of the major search companies couldn't have focused their resources on search, come up with something similar to PageRank, and smothered Google in the crib. They just didn't.

I agree that Microsoft hasn't been trustworthy historically, but how have they smothered Mono? And a counter-example is Samba.

Over two-thirds of this page is smothered in related articles, social network buttons, ads, other news, banners etc. Ridiculous!

Nope, I eat tons of fresh veggies, lean meats, all smothered in olive-oil, nuts/flax, etc. I do actually allow myself some treats on the weekends for sustainability.

I'd make the argument that without Gecko the web would have become even more entangled with and dependent on IE. That would have smothered WebKit in the cradle, making it impossible for anyone outside of Microsoft to make a decent mobile web browser.

Many a small company's dreams have been quietly smothered by this patent system; the public only starts to care if something nasty happens to a big corporation.

It would be smothered in any merger, and would see its national identity wiped out by a very obnoxiously aggressive US Federal Government. Canada is a far more polite, gentle country at a government level.

When I see idiots getting smothered with praise and rewards while someone like me suffers, it reinforces social status and that I am, for whatever arbitrary and pointless reason, not as high as the smiling imbecile getting showered with gold while the rest of the world gets a golden shower. That's where I disagree.

I mean you can see SD smothered all across TFS and while SD was nice for it's time it's grossly inferior to github/mercurial in every regard other than supporting massive codebases. There's also in my opinion a huge problem in that what sort of technology you can use is severely restricted by what Microsoft makes.

Plus if it's an older PDP11, it's fully documented both hardware and software wise and is built out of **** chip modules which are essentially still replaceable and repairable to this day with a soldering iron and any half-decent EE. You can't even get half the parts in your PC from 5 years ago and there is no documentation bar some NDA smothered PDF which is mostly incorrect for most of the bits. It's the same reason I still have a 1972 oscilloscope...

Sometimes the best thing that can happen to you is that you never get around to backing up your laptop with your working prototype, and somebody breaks into the trunk of your car late Tuesday night while you're parked on the street around the corner from the Stud at 9th and Harrison, eating grilled hot dogs wrapped with bacon and smothered with caramelized onions at Trannyshack, and steals all your hard work, so you have to rewrite it all from scratch.

Smothered definitions


held in check with difficulty; "a smothered cough"; "a stifled yawn"; "a strangled scream"; "suppressed laughter"

See also: stifled strangled suppressed


completely covered; "bonnets smothered with flowers"; "smothered chicken is chicken cooked in a seasoned gravy"