Sterilise in a sentence as a verb

And right now, those scientists are saying “sterilise the probes going to these places: &;&.” .

The area the waste would sterilise would be a non-issue. I dunno.

— sterilise your contact points, not your person and everything on it.

Well, fortunately, Google don't sterilise people who fail the interviews...

Most people don't have the discipline to wear masks properly, not touch them, sterilise them, clean masks and all their clothes when they get in etc.

You don't have to sterilise your languge; it just takes a little bit of practise. It's something of a myth that language must be sterilised to be inclusive.

You seem like you would know - has anyone had any luck pulling the chip firmware and reversing it in order to sterilise it?

But not enough to sterilise an ocean. Well, that's certainly reassuring.

How would one explain to a Facebook addict why they should get the vaccine and that it's not a Bill Gates/NWO conspiracy to sterilise them?

With that in mind, I'd love to be helping to get us off of this rock before we accidentally sterilise it - even better if I can do so before 30 years passes.

Even though that's not even how you would sterilise women to commit a ********, USA are Nazis. This week it's "beyond the pale" they might have given women medical procedures they need but might not fully understand.

Forced sterilisation may no longer be policy in the west, but western governments and NGOs have pressured countries such as India to sterilise tens of millions of its citizens. [.

Doesn't seem like understanding was a problem here - they were just reckless in failing to adequately sterilise medical equipment. I'd say the moral of the story is more 'beware of reckless do-gooding.'

As disposable bedding and scrubs don't seem to be widely used it doesn't seem too much of a stretch to make other PPE reusable if the facility to sterilise is there.

In a full scale war, nukes are targeted at nuke power plants, so there would be even more fallout - enough to sterilise many parts of the US. Initial casualties would be a small percentage of the eventual total. Even a limited exchange in a distant part of the world would have global consequences.

The bigger the chunk, the higher the probability of a piece existing that is both large enough needed to harbour microbial life and not so big as to melt and sterilise other planets.

What the Chinese allegedly did to the Uighurs, or what the Nazis did to the Jews, is categorically wrong regardless of how it was justified; nobody has the right to sterilise or **** innocent people. But it's reasonable to argue that when a bunch of people come together to form a "country", they have a right to decide who's allowed to enter that country.

Well, Norway collaborated with the nazis and sympathised for some of their ideas at the time, for example Norway had been experimenting with eugenics programs since the 20s when they started to sterilise mentally hill patients and made it legal in 1934. But the king of Norway and members of the army escaped to London and directed the resistance from there.

Hospitals cannot sterilise items to the same scale. You just need to be careless once for it to be a problem. And considering how many sterile items you need to use every day - particularly in an emergency - it is not unlikely that one item went back into the reuse cycle without being sterilised. It's to avoid the question, 'was this item sterilised?'

As he spoke I noticed, what had often struck me before in his conversations with my grandmothers sisters, that whenever he spoke of serious matters, whenever he used an expression which seemed to imply a definite opinion upon some important subject, he would take care to isolate, to sterilise it by using a special intonation, mechanical and ironic, as though he had put the phrase or word between inverted commas, and was anxious to disclaim any personal responsibility for it; as who should say the hierarchy, dont you know, as silly people call it.

Sterilise definitions


make free from bacteria

See also: sterilize


make infertile; "in some countries, people with genetically transmissible disabilites are sterilized"

See also: sterilize desex unsex desexualize desexualise