Desexualize in a sentence as a verb

In doing so, we both dehumanize and desexualize women, in large numbers. Sorry, but as merely a "guy's opinion", this is pretty worthless.

They are a form of ritually desexualized pornography.

>Modern action and superhero films fetishize the body, even as they desexualize it. The simple truth for the reasoning behind this is the same as why the average TV show is written at the fifth grade Kincaid reading level.

A closeup picture of a genderless ****** is actually more valuable in helping culture desexualize the ****** than it is in pointing out any kind of hypocrisy on Instagram's part. Instagram probably just rolls their eyes at this since they don't see these photos as contributing to sexualized objectification or violence.

But you could also argue that in the context of our Puritanical baggage, our **** shaming, our last fifty-plus years of Madmen-esque workplace sexual discrimination, we need a period of overly desexualized workplaces before we can shed our Puritanical baggage.

Desexualize definitions


direct one's libidinous urges into another direction

See also: desexualise


make infertile; "in some countries, people with genetically transmissible disabilites are sterilized"

See also: sterilize sterilise desex unsex desexualise