Unsex in a sentence as a verb

B2B is unsexy in that I dont build things that my college friends want to use. Nah...

Experience still matters, as unsexy as it is.

It built and sold unsexy products that people were willing to pay gobs of money for. I'm sure many businesses would love to fail so successfully.

I'm starting to notice a trend with this latest YC class-- lots of unsexy products addressing really specific pain points.

I'm working on something very unsexy that will hopefully buy me a yacht and a Ferrari. I have a list of things just like it, again, all very un-sexy.

I agree about unsexy ideas though. All the startups I mentioned were unsexy ideas to start with, though their success has made some of the ideas seem somewhat sexier.

Then you have the photographers who take great shots no matter what gear they use, and developers who write and ship great code and products using Java and other unsexy languages. Can better tools help you be more productive?

I'm sure it'd be harder to get funding for something as unsexy as, say, protein folding than it would be for creating a social network for cats and that really is sad.

This is an unsexy directive that could be a profound game-changer for civic society. If you've ever tried to get data from a public entity and had to argue about the particulars of PDF over Excel, this kind of statement is at least a good precedent to work from...

This new name has a totally different persona and sends a confusing, unsexy message about Microsoft's vision for the future. It shows no competent person/team is in charge of maintaining a unified, consistent brand, but I guess we already knew that.

I sucked it up and used unsexy properly normalized relational database tables, then utilized memory caching and async updates to try and paper over the performance issues inherent in that scheme. What was anon doing?

To draw from PG's essay, enterprise has both the "schlep" and "unsexy" factors going for it and it's an area that, depending your market, can be hard to penetrate but also far easier to get paying customers. It's hard to extract money from consumers except for three things: games, advertising and, to a certain extent, hardware.

The best advice I could give to someone wanting to join a startup who is driven, in part, by the potential for financial return, is to instead seek opportunities to partner with folks who are deep in a particular industry, preferably unsexy, who wouldn't get the time of day from an engineer in Palo Alto because they can't write code and are probably older than 35. These people are not hard to find if you leave Bubbleville.

The exact thing needed is very boring, very low-level, and very unsexy, and I believe can be summarized thusly: We need a method for locating hosts on a network graph which does not have a central point of failure and which cannot be easily disabled. We then need a method for authentically routing messages back and forth between these hosts without fear of man-in-the-middle attacks that can change the contents of the messages.

But I have to by law, larger than this year, the President, a child, but no more expensive orders my mind: What is worse, actually came to this world was sent, but his mother was right: when there a very good exercise, and a son of a *****, must be recognized It does better with shorter sentences: Come on, you in me unsex human spirit, I filled with senior officials of the terrible cruelty of the full ah! Make my blood thick, blocking the access channel and remorse, and that nature, I do not blame the purpose visitings down, the effect is no peace between, for me!

Unsex definitions


deprive of sex or sexual powers


remove the qualities typical of one's sex; "She unsexed herself"


make infertile; "in some countries, people with genetically transmissible disabilites are sterilized"

See also: sterilize sterilise desex desexualize desexualise