Imply in a sentence as a verb

It's certainly not the end of Google if that's what this article is trying to imply.

Here are a few of the more obvious flaws:- There is no universal truth as the author seems to imply.

It's sad that she got evicted, but to imply in any way that the tenant is blameless seems ridiculous.

They make flippant comments from buses that imply you’re not sexy enough and that all the fun is happening somewhere else.

You imply that Zidisha does not in fact lower the cost of microloans in developing countries.

We use flat rates not in order to deceive, but simply because they are more intuitive to borrowers and lenders than APR.

Simply because some publication or source you may like has performed some sort of statistical study doesn't have a lot of meaning on it's own.

However, his videos imply he is talking about word-sense disambiguation[4], which is certainly known about and was the crux of LSA in the first place.

" Personally, I think passion could be a valuable heuristic in hiring, but the author seemed to imply that passion is only measured by your willingness to work outside of your day job.

In all of our observations of the universe there seem to be many more electrons than anti-electrons, but this concept would seem to imply that the number should be exactly equal.

I agree this isn't as big of a deal as the stockmarket may imply, but this line bothers me:"That equates to 1 vehicle fire for every 20 million miles driven, compared to 1 fire in over 100 million miles for Tesla.

It's a great idea, and Adam is classy for a number of reasons, but having just left Quora, I only have 90 days to exercise my options, so it's not something Quora is doing right now, which is what the article seems to imply.

The site does have something like a dozen tracking cookies on it; does this imply that they have data showing that swipability is so important that it doesn't even have to work in order to attract more ad impressions/clicks/Tweets/whatever?

I'm not sure anyone should expect to be able to run a substantial business off their home internet connection without buying a business-class connection - nor does this decision by Google somehow imply they've "****-flopped" on net-neutrality.

The study or scientific reporting is simply the beginning of a much longer conversation society has over many decades that leads us to higher-fidelity models.- The purpose of a social site is to behave socially.

Imply definitions


express or state indirectly

See also: connote


suggest as a logically necessary consequence; in logic


have as a logical consequence; "The water shortage means that we have to stop taking long showers"

See also: entail mean


suggest that someone is guilty

See also: incriminate inculpate


have as a necessary feature; "This decision involves many changes"

See also: involve