Step-by-step in a sentence as an adjective

Or skip the screencast altogether and just write step-by-step instructions.

Edited: Formatting in the step-by-step portion of this post was messed up initially...

Basically, we’ve annotated a dependency graph for the core concepts in the field, and it uses the graph to produce step-by-step learning plans geared directly towards your goals. Sorry if you can't reach the site.

So it's not just programming languages where this comes up: a lot of teachers present math as step-by-step processes, as well. Essentially, they introduce imperative programming without the computer.

If you don't have the type of personality that immediately commands respect, you'll have to earn it step-by-step. Even if you do immediately command it, you can lose it very quickly if you don't show yourself worthy of it.

However, since it was built up step-by-step from familiar abstractions, it's actually easier to understand. Each step along the way is relatively simple and intuitive; you just have to put them together.

But, when the Koreans tried to build ships with Scottish plans and detailed step-by-step directions, the result was two ship halves that didn't quite fit together and sunk when assembled. For historical and geographic reasons, Scotland's shipyards weren't full-sized, and they built their ships in two halves and then assembled them.

If someone were to make something like this a step-by-step tutorial/template appropriate for a classroom setting it would be huge. Imagine a class at High School where you start off learning the basics of Python for the first few weeks and the rest of the semester is spent writing the chunks of code into a template that has lots of notes for guidance.

The instructions to compile on Windows don't seem trivial at all and if I cared enough to try this I would appreciate that they wrote it step-by-step. The guys at MS just sat down and made it work while antirez was throwing out suggestions how to make it work with " the behavior of the window filesystem is so incredibly broken that well they should really fix it I guess" Sorry for the rant I would just expect better from the community.

"The newly-patented buying system guides users through an intuitive, step-by-step process of clicking 'Buy It Now', entering your password, logging in because they signed your sorry *** out again, getting upsold **** you dont want, continuing to your original destination" If that were a real patent, GoDaddy would owe Ebay millions.

I also tried a very similar method of "rolling back time" by moving the body backwards along its existing velocity with a step-by-step approximation, until the collision no longer happened; this turned out to not be as good as modifying the future velocity vector to touch exactly, as it was cruder, left points of contact inexact, and thrashed the original velocity values, leading to things stopping dead and "sticking" as soon as they collided anything at all.

Quote Examples using Step-by-step

Algo XXX. Etc. Bonus points for step-by-step instructions on how to use those methods in common programs like GPG. Without a human-readable, trusted, official resource, it's just going to be crypto scientists shoving acronyms down our throats till we don't care any more. Please simplify it and eliminate the bad choices for us, because you know better!


Step-by-step definitions


one thing at a time

See also: bit-by-bit piecemeal stepwise