Imperative in a sentence as a noun

It is imperative that its design take no shortcuts.

But sharing isn't immoral it's a moral imperative.

> [...] > On the other hand, 'imperative' is also used as a > contrast to 'functional', on the basis of really poorly > defined terms.

Those languages are imperative with some weak support for functional programming.

Haskell is functional with some weak support for imperative programming. It's the same idea, inverted.

He had previously written a manifesto that describes it as a moral imperative[1] to do 'A then B'.

It has fewer constructs than most imperative languages--fewer constructs than anything short of Lisp.

It just turns out that imperative features aren't useful enough for experienced Haskellers to warrant the improved syntax.

The most common version runs something > like, "imperative languages use assignment, functional > languages don't".. a concept I'll jump up and down > upon later.

Imperative in a sentence as an adjective

You can write functional, imperative, object-oriented, and whatever code in C. Or you can use several languages with strengths in each paradigm, depending on what trade-offs produce the best engineering in each case.

"functional-ness", how sharp a break from OOP/imperative is imposed:Scala is by far the least dogmatic about doing thing in a "functional" as opposed to an OOP or imperative way.

> Myth #2 - Functional programming is 'different from' imperative programming.

Nothing like a slow career and a dwindling bank account to make you aware of how morally imperative it is that you switch careers!The people I know at Goldman are generally bright and hard-working.

Except Haskell can also support things like non-deterministic and logic programming. It's just that, for some reason, when people say "mixed-paradigm" what they really mean is "imperative with some functional support" and never "functional with some imperative support".Sure, Haskell's syntax for mutable structures is awkward.

As "software eats the world" and tech companies start trying to compete in "meat space" industries, it will be imperative for them to understand why things are done the way they are, and how fruitful progress can be made without creating unnecessary friction by simply ignoring settled expectations.

Like with anything else, the question isn't whether the rich will be able to afford it, the question is how much progress can we make in making it cheap, how quickly, to get it to how many people?It is a moral imperative to make sure that short-sighted class warfare does not cut off the nose to spite the face by destroying this work under the guise of egalitarianism, because we can not turn on a dime and immediately grant it to everyone on day one. Yes, the rich will get it first.

And if you really want to make an argument about languages hurting the state of programming, how about asserting that the dominance of imperative languages is irreparably damaging the ability of most programmers to work in functional languages where solutions are fundamentally more robust.

In his dream he finds himself in a society where music education has been made mandatory....Since musicians are known to set down their ideas in the form of sheet music, these curious black dots and lines must constitute the “language of music.” It is imperative that students become fluent in this language if they are to attain any degree of musical competence; indeed, it would be ludicrous to expect a child to sing a song or play an instrument without having a thorough grounding in music notation and theory.

Imperative definitions


a mood that expresses an intention to influence the listener's behavior


some duty that is essential and urgent


requiring attention or action; "as nuclear weapons proliferate, preventing war becomes imperative"; "requests that grew more and more imperative"


relating to verbs in the imperative mood