Piecemeal in a sentence as an adjective

Instead, try and take the time to read through it and select settings that you want piecemeal.

Benefits should be added slowly and if they must be taken away it should not be piecemeal.

Granted, I might want to start using the nascent .NET, but Managed C++ and COM interop makes that pretty easy to accomplish piecemeal.

Not to mention this does away with all the administrative overhead of the dozens of piecemeal welfare programs we have in the US.

Piecemeal in a sentence as an adverb

And slowly by piecemeal, always hard fought for, always opposed, the golden age of the past that never existed is being constructed in the present.

And while those are useful, too, piecemeal content lacks the cohesiveness / comprehensiveness / depth of a book… so I’ll keep trying and hopefully find a way to make a book in the future.

If you absolutely must rewrite, consider isolating and replacing components piecemeal rather than scrapping the whole thing and starting over.

If you'd happily accept a sub-market wage to be taught laboratory research techniques, in a piecemeal and haphazard fashion, by sleep-deprived world experts equipped with state-of-the-artish equipment, engineering graduate school is the game for you.

Piecemeal definitions


one thing at a time

See also: bit-by-bit step-by-step stepwise


a little bit at a time; "the research structure has developed piecemeal"