Smiling in a sentence as a noun

You appear to be astonished, he said, smiling at my expression of surprise. Now that I do know it I shall do my best to forget it.

I wasn’t smiling. Instead, I spent nearly an hour at the Milford service plaza as the Tesla sucked electrons from the hitching post.

Pretty soon he was smiling and cracking jokes. A few months later he asked me, "Why do Americans always have to act happy?

Ive seen more than once people helped during a project, only to find all credit for their work taken by the nice and smiling people who scammed them by helping them. There are endless horror stories like that.

Employees are always saying stuff like that, sort of a behind the scenes tough guy/gal thing, while smiling to the customer. It's just a human way to deal with customer frustration I guess.

But there is something to be said for smiling, a few kind words, and then ... graceful evasion of everything else when you want to do real work.

Except when the unhappy people are so used to smiling that they just force a smile because that's what's socially acceptable. Default expressions are two-faced.

Think about families smiling in their pictures - they look vaguely happy, but there's a noticeable difference between that and when you can see a genuine smile. If you're a Russian, why pretend?

The difference between "shaking hands and smiling" and what you are describing is that shaking hands and smiling is something you do one-to-one. Buying a list and blasting email to it is not.

I left the Kimmel Center smiling ear to ear. Sometimes talk about things like serenity and presence is shallow, because the authentic experience of spiritual depth is rare...

A warmth appeal like a Coke ad with smiling faces will reliably create an association between Coke and positive emotions just because that's how humans are wired. If you activate two concepts together, you link them.

TV is all about smiling people circling each other with knives. It's full of entrenched players who are happy to screw anyone, including big companies who think they can do end-runs around carefully erected defenses.

The people who don't usually happen to specialize in a field that the market is currently smiling upon. It's great if your dream can be gently tweaked to be compatible with market considerations, but please understand that for most people this is not the case.

Smiling in a sentence as an adjective

In every industry, it's always been the case that the top companies have tried to hire the most "passionate" employees--and yes, that means employees who might work overtime while smiling about it. I don't think this is so evil when there are plenty of other choices.

The Hellman guy, of course, had been explaining public key crypto-systems that heavily embarrassed the NSA and, really, essentially put it out of business for its stated mission, is smiling. As I recall, he had blond hair long, nearly to his waist.

Honor his example of service, accomplishment and modesty, and the next time you walk outside on a clear night and see the moon smiling down at you, think of Neil Armstrong and give him a wink.

I saw a lot of smiling faces exiting the building and getting into nice cars. I don't see what the big deal is that people who are temporary or part of menial data-entry labor are not part of the greater events and benefits and festivities of the company.

It was hard not to get choked up looking at their smiling, happy faces as they ran around, thinking that if this therapy hadn't existed, they would be in a nearly vegetative state. Gene therapy had a rough start with the early setbacks, but I'm getting the sense that the tide is rapidly turing.

To make this more clear, imagine you signup for a new cable television channel, and you watching it, suddenly your image shows up with a product in your hands, smiling, and saying: "This is the best product i ever used", and you realize that its being broadcasted to everybody watching it. .

Just talking to people, listening to them, smiling at everyone. It feels like I'm just a grinning idiot, that no one takes me seriously, that I have to completely change everything about me and who I am so before long I'm not the same person in the slightest; I have to pretend to be someone else.

They were smiling and giggling with their friends swinging on the swingsets, hopefully the criminals responsible for violating this patent are dealt with to the full extent of the law. In all seriousness though, it's patents like this that are the reason the patent system is as broken and messed up as it is.

That's why members of Congress are good at smiling, kissing babies, shaking hands, speaking in generalities with platitudes and cliches, etc. : Find ways to please or sooth voters, ways that don't torque off even 1%.

Isn't it a dream that many of us share, to earn a high income doing the things we love, all from inside a neighborhood coffee shop surrounded by smiling faces and cute baristas instead of some sterile office building?

I want to preface my post by saying I'm smiling ear to earI loved the screencast, and I look forward to using this tomorrow on a project I've been thinking about for a while. Here's my concern: If I use Meteor as it is intended, and I also want a my application to have API, I'll have to re-implement all of my logic server-side[1].

The article is making the implication that a smiling Westerner and a non-smiling Russian are expressing the same emotion, it's just that the Westerner is faking something. The poster to whom you're responding is actually saying that the no smile in Russia is because of an actual underlying difference in the emotions being felt.

Everything about the room made it uncomfortable to say no; there was one door with a guy standing in front of it smiling, they would hand out papers and not ask but pleasantly direct you to fill out your information. I knew it was a scam, when I got up to leave in the middle of the presentation the guys running the show called me out; shaking their head in dismay and making comments as I left.

Smiling definitions


a facial expression characterized by turning up the corners of the mouth; usually shows pleasure or amusement

See also: smile grin grinning


smiling with happiness or optimism; "Come to my arms, my beamish boy!"- Lewis Carroll; "a room of smiling faces"; "a round red twinkly Santa Claus"

See also: beamish twinkly