Grin in a sentence as a noun

Just grin at the thought and enjoy the happiness, but don't post it. It's not that it's not funny; it's just that it is too easy a comment.

Practice a ****-eating grin until it becomes natural? Love the world twice as hard?

Much as I smiled a wry grin at this suggestion, I have to say, don't ******* do this. Be an adult: if you signed up for something, take the time to try and unsubscribe first.

I for one do all my computing with a goofy grin on my face, while riding a unicycle. In all seriousness, this product will be perfect for me.

"Last night, someone told me In California, there isnt a conflict between being a Capitalist, and a Liberal, with a wry grin on his face." Of course there isn't.

At the same time, I can't help but grin that we on the CS side find a way to erase all the gains in performance and efficiency as soon as the EE guys make them. This is a long-noted phenomena.

Yeah I could do that without, you know, dying or anything, but I'm not going to, so I grin and bear it and hope they don't "alter the deal any further".

So you are sitting in your economical abode eating your economical food with a pleased non-servant grin. And there you sit.

The lead engineer on the project commented with a grin: "You think that's something, just wait 'til this baby's operational!"

To be fairly honest, if I noticed something like this I'd crack a big grin and I'd wanna share it, like I just cracked a big grin whilst reading the post. I think, overall, this a compliment to the detail in the movie.

Furthermore, more conscientious students are more likely to grin and bear it, thus giving the A students a lower rate of reporting.

Grin in a sentence as a verb

Then, as I reached the end of the line and saw the domain name, my tired and sleepy face broke into a full-bodied grin. fish is my most-favorite tongue-in-cheek technical blogger ever.

He later shot me a little grin, having seen me noticing him, even though I was discrete and over 30 meters away. Over 100 people could have seen this unfold but I am sure none did because literally most of them were looking at phones.

Suggesting that people should just grin and bear such abuse just means the process will never get fixed. While if people just stopped the process if it got silly enough, somebody's bonus would be in sufficient jeopardy to cause some action.

**** that and **** anyone who tells me I have to grin and bear it or otherwise just wave my hands and go without all because otherwise I might offend their sensibilities over how I might see their software. Personally, I don't care about your software.

I realized that just wearing a stupid grin on my face made my happier than any of my academic or professional accomplishments. It was as if my introversion had muted me to my own emotional state.

I remember in particular one recent driver's big grin as he raved about Uber and praised Travis the entire ride for letting him, his wife, and his two kids live such a great lifestyle. His wife would even take the car out and do some Uber driving once in a while while he spent time with the kids.

If my boss says incorrect or misinformed in front of customers, and I say the exact same thing, in the exact same tones with the exact same stupid grin, it could be a lost sale, and a reprimand. Context does matter, and it's not some whimsical flight of fancy by fickle and capricious women.

At the same time, I can't help but grin that we on the CS side find a way to erase all the gains in performance and efficiency as soon as the EE guys make them. There has to be come kind of universal constant: the limit, as technology proceeds into the future, of the execution time of "Hello World" is some fixed number.

If I wasn't using Google Chrome's web developer tools I'd probably consider JavaScript to be a nightmarish corpse of a language that punishes the slightest of typos with a silent malicious grin... Only by the grace of tools is JS tame at all +100000.

This is the sort of person that I want to be engaged with: * highly opinionated * driven by personal interest * not afraid to go down the worm hole and come up with little public recognition and enormous personal gain This is the sort of project that makes me grin: * highly engrossing project page * mysterious motivations * unknown implications * legally ambiguous I love this ****. Keep it up, Christina.

Grin definitions


a facial expression characterized by turning up the corners of the mouth; usually shows pleasure or amusement

See also: smile smiling grinning


to draw back the lips and reveal the teeth, in a smile, grimace, or snarl