Smile in a sentence as a noun

Getting your first smile, laugh, hug, or kiss.

All I could do was paint a "go F&%$ yourself" smile on my face and wait for him to leave.

".For one, Americans don't just smile to be polite.

With a smile he reached for the letter #3 and opened it to read write 3 letters.

Upon settling back into the driver seat, with a big smile and a thick French accent, he said, "I am Batman.

I don't treat them badly, I smile at them on patrol, but the moment anything starts to get tense I have less than zero trust.

Her beautiful smile looks at me nearly every day. Some days I am glad to see that little profile picture of hers and others it is painful.

Smile in a sentence as a verb

But to turn around and smile and take a picture, post it to Twitter, and then continue on calling oneself Joan of Arc?

The Irish kids teased all the Americans in the program for their horrific accents in spoken English [smile].

They smile contently as they sit down to their first meal of popcorn, to which they will survive for literally weeks longer than everyone else.

As a Russian-American this comes off as complete BS. I've seen this written before and it's always in the form of "It's not us that smile too little, it's you Americans that are fake and smile too much!

How many people are going to complain about someone else making 10% more than they are when that "someone else" is taking on the worst projects with a smile and giving them more time to work on the good projects?4.

People would tell me what a great job I did and praise the amount of time it must have taken, and while I'd smile nervously and modestly reject their attribution, I'd often be left silently thinking, "I don't think this was as difficult or took as long as you think it did.

Smile definitions


a facial expression characterized by turning up the corners of the mouth; usually shows pleasure or amusement

See also: smiling grin grinning


change one's facial expression by spreading the lips, often to signal pleasure


express with a smile; "She smiled her thanks"