Grinning in a sentence as a noun

How about the grinning ghoul standing next to them?

I'm grinning ear-to-ear that this team had a good outcome.

Also grinning like an idiot for the past hour.

He says "Japanese games suck", and he's grinning, while the rest of the panel cracks up.

I looked back at one begging child to see him absolutely gleeful, grinning from ear to ear.

" and be grinning from ear to ear for the next half an hour only to be hit with sadness for a day or two.

In fact, smiling Americans look stupid grinning all the time.

She was probably creeped out by Jimmy's mug staring her down, eerily grinning at her.

He couldn't solve that Euler problem with me staring and grinning impatiently at him the whole time.

As an American, the only time I see Americans grinning all the time is in stock photos.

Patrolling the top of the elevators are grinning guys in suits holding super-soakers filled with raw sewage.

You guys know what it's like - your sitting in a noisy cafe with a pen, a piece of paper, all grinning at each other as you see ideas coming together.

Like your strategy of just grinning in silence, I'm perfectly content without "winning" a confrontational disagreement.

I couldn't close my eyes because of the awful visual hallucinations that played out like a kaleidoscope from ****, each image a broken face in a box, grinning fiendishly.

It is a sincere expression of gratitude to Derek, and a grinning shout of relief at the sky that I have let so many unnecessary, trivial things fall away from my life over the past few years.

If an interviewer asked me this then sat back grinning all over themselves like they'd just knocked it out of the park with this ingenious keyhole to my soul, it'd definitely make my decisions on whether or not I wanted to work there easier.

He generally doesn't have to worry about whether it's safe to be walking alone right now, or whether the guy grinning lasciviously is actually a stalker-rapist, or whether it's worth the conflict to confront his boss about grabbing his *** whenever they pass each other in the hallway.

Grinning definitions


a facial expression characterized by turning up the corners of the mouth; usually shows pleasure or amusement

See also: smile smiling grin