Slyly in a sentence as an adverb

If Google slyly becomes America's fibre wholesaler like that, I will tip my hat to them.

The real "hack" here is slyly congratulating readers on their cleverness so they keep coming back for more.

That they've lost their touch to slyly subdue us by painting the convincing illusion that they have our best interests in mind?

I agree, and he's slyly discouraging serious debate of his points since Facebook is so "cool".

I'm not slyly trying to bash the idea through negative connotations, but if it's similar I wonder if we could learn from them.

True that adjectives are less persuasive, usually, than facts stated slyly, but see how those sibilants sounds aloud?

A likely cause for this that I haven't seen noted yet is that they are slyly directing people to G+ without the user even knowing.

This is no different from asking someone a question, slyly videoing their answer on your Google Glass, and uploading it to Youtube.

He slyly uses the imperative verb form in each header, which vaguely suggests without being explicit that he his advocates each of these actions.

Only write meta posts that complain about community rules and slyly use the article you're trying to promote as an example of how the rule has failed the community.

Is using Facebook on a smart phone to slyly tune out people around you, coworkers, and family really advancing the mission of "making the world more open and connected"?

"Over the past few years, Apple's been slyly but deliberately severing ties with a piece of hardware that most rational humans still view as essential on a full-scale computer.

It's not just the post, imagine going outside and noticing people slyly trying to snap pictures of you, how would you feel?These sorts of posts are often veiled behind a thin curtain of pathetic vacuous wit.

So by telling a story of sexism with the genders reversed, the author is slyly poking fun at all the fuss about sexism in tech that we've been hearing lately, and showing us how ridiculous it all is.

We don't know what or how "slyly" he might have mentioned his "travels in Africa".He probably didn't march in and say "I'm pretty sure I've got Ebola because I hung out with Ebola victims and then lied to airport screeners to get here.

Interesting, how she did not have numbers, when asked, for Canadian fatalaties owing to protracted wait times and instead slyly diverted the discussion to the wait times at the security line to enter the Senate building.

Slyly definitions


in an artful manner; "he craftily arranged to be there when the decision was announced"; "had ever circumstances conspired so cunningly?"

See also: craftily cunningly foxily knavishly trickily artfully