Cunningly in a sentence as an adverb

IT's a chain of 4 pubs in 4 cities, as is apparent if you oh so cunningly go to the root URL

He cunningly tells a believable story that pushes all the right buttons. They quit.

And finally, things that you so cunningly shielded from your gaze for years begin to pop up and become unavoidable challenges. That is because you can only be happy when you do things for the right reasons.

I assume they got around that restriction by cunningly releasing it after that restriction was abandoned in 2010...

What a cunningly well-hidden secret! I shall attempt it myself at my earliest opportunity!

The mechanics are unusual in the sense that they're deceptively simple but cunningly difficult at the same time... challenging.

It's a cash transfer from taxpayers to established landowners cunningly disguised as a legup for the middle class. I think the prices must adjust in this way since the supply of housing close to the supply of paid work is limited.

Join a group that does something productive, then cunningly manipulate people into forming lasting and meaningful friendships with you.

There can be no division\nby zero because we cunningly added one to the denominator a. Here too we have a canonical\nchoice of representatives, namely fractions in lowest terms.

This is also a false dichotomy, although more cunningly hidden. It still assumes that giving users source access is somehow a hindrance to the creation of high quality software but Freedom and quality are orthogonal axises.

This is perhaps the most cunningly dangerous thing you could allow yourself as a response. In the case of any kind of discrimination or behavior that is experienced by someone else, please start working to taboo your acceptance of and reliance on "how you see it".

I don't want to know about how awesome the author is or how he's cunningly outsmarted everybody else. I'd like to see his ideas put forward without trashing other people's and with some theoretical context rather than just denunciations of PL theory.

Even ignoring all the relevant regulations, most people buying those things expect features like anti-lock breaking and navigation systems and wings that are not made out of canvas stretched across cunningly-bent pieces of wood. On the other hand, a modern kit car would make the young Karl Benz green with envy.

Its use can be so manipulated by cunningly phrased questions that almost any desired result can be obtained, and it is used unscrupulously to dominate students and staff alike. All the evil features of scientology are intensified where the E-meter is involved.

Because the "not normal" side of the child is violent, cunningly manipulative, and possibly homicidal. There is a line at which we draw acceptable behavior - homicidal and violent intent seems pretty liberal.

Yes, he's in a position of power, and could turn up to his meetings wearing only a cunningly positioned silk scarf, and it would have no effect on the banks' willingness to earn lots of money from overseeing the Facebook IPO. But when you're in a position of power you also have a responsibility not to be a dick. I realize dress codes etc are a bit different over there in the US, but at work here I normally dress pretty casually.

I'll frequently see them deconstructed, explained away, dismissed, but not forcefully and cunningly defused. Here's my attempt: Academic environments have historically been places of cultural experimentation diametrically opposed to the stifling culture of the workplace.

We are cunningly manipulative from the get-go, any emotional response from that point is just part of the game, even the fits of rage are a last-ditch effort to assert some form of dominance over the situation after we have expelled every last conceivable option/variable to achieve a set/dynamic goal or objective. It starts with the parent not parenting an autistic child as an autistic child.

The older, more cynical me suspects companies like Panini probably use quite cunningly worked out distributions of cards for each market region, to ensure that the most wanted players in any country are the hardest to come by, thus encouraging ever more purchases.

Cunningly definitions


in an attractive manner; "how cunningly the olive-green dress with its underskirt of rose-brocade fitted her perfect figure"

See also: cutely


in an artful manner; "he craftily arranged to be there when the decision was announced"; "had ever circumstances conspired so cunningly?"

See also: craftily foxily knavishly slyly trickily artfully