Slowness in a sentence as a noun

The slowness told me "this was a quick hack, not a priority.

With 6 you will get 5-10% better compression, but twice slowness.

And if you're worried if the slowness of your language will hinder it's growth, then nope.

Yes, the users complained about the parentheses, and the slowness.

And anyway, from my experience, Python has never been the cause of the slowness..

And by the way, I am dual booting Windows and Linux and keep noticing all kinds weird slowness in Windows.

Like the author I assumed my growing mailbox size and filters were the reason for the increasing slowness.

Let's consider his conclusions: ruby is slow: sound ruby's slowness is his main problem: not-sound He's not going to win programming contests with brute-force solutions.

If you've ever used Fireworks in the Macromedia days and compare it to the massive behemoths of slowness they've added to each subsequent CS version, I can only conclude that they're not lazy.

Instead, he wrote a brute-force solution with a simple optimization, and did not realize that this is the real cause of his code under-performing, blaming the Ruby's slowness for it, when he really should have blamed the Dunning-Kruger effect.

And it's not that it wouldn't cause change, the social network inside worked through these issues with a plodding but deliberate slowness and sometimes those internal groups within groups might reach out to the original instigator, but more often not.

Slowness definitions


unskillfulness resulting from a lack of training

See also: awkwardness clumsiness ineptness ineptitude maladroitness


a rate demonstrating an absence of haste or hurry

See also: deliberation deliberateness unhurriedness


lack of normal development of intellectual capacities

See also: retardation backwardness subnormality