Deliberateness in a sentence as a noun

I just think massive changes to the makeup of our workforce should be done with more care and deliberateness.

I've always sort of chafed at the "simplification" model of things, the term I like is "deliberateness".

Both the deliberateness and the potential motive of the attack are unknown and unexplained.

Gaslighting is far more persistent and requires far more deliberateness than writing a comment on a forum.

Here were vermin so muddled in mind, so passively responsive to environment, that it was very hard to raise them to that level of clarity and deliberateness at which mortal sin becomes possible.

People are focusing on this term "busyness", but what I see resembles more "deliberateness".It's like... Let's theorize that the underlying mechanism of excellence is "strength of focus", in the same way that weight lifting is "strength of muscles".

I am always amazed at how people can hold this thought, considering the billions of lucky moments that would have had to go right over the eons, at the same time as one that demands diligence and deliberateness in planning and executing on those things in our lives and the world in order to make meaningful and successful progress every minute of every day

What's missing is deliberateness: choose what you want to know deliberately, choose the question deliberately to satisfy some goal: either saying "yeah my hunch was wrong about that, they did pretty well" or else "no, I really tried to give them every opportunity to show me that they can code and even trying to give them the benefit of the doubt I am still unconvinced.

Deliberateness definitions


a rate demonstrating an absence of haste or hurry

See also: slowness deliberation unhurriedness


the trait of thoughtfulness in action or decision; "he was a man of judicial deliberation"

See also: deliberation