Clumsiness in a sentence as a noun

She dropped her food tray on the floor and I was sitting the other way and just wrote it off as random clumsiness.

I find this no worse than using Someone Else's Keyboard -- maybe there's some clumsiness at first, but you soon get the hang of it.

I'd probably apologize for my clumsiness and keep walking.

In absolutely every comparison the iPhone just makes sense and works and the S1 has some kind of clumsiness.

If you're really worried about his clumsiness, I'd see a doctor -- there are lots of more common causes, many of them not even serious.

In all his clumsiness, chatmasta is exposing the core topic of the website: What happens when one publishes his private data to the world?

No wonder why systems research is basically dead, only trying to improve over the clumsiness of existing architectures.

It's the clumsiness and the limited expressiveness of interaction that limited the acceptance.

What just seems like clumsiness or aloofness in your personality develops into traditional seizures.

The clumsiness of Drew's statement does remind me of those from the Bush Administration when they started to explain why the US Army wasn't exactly greeted with flowers by the Iraqis.

Once again, I will sing praises of C#. Some of the libraries are terrible, and it's Microsoft... but seriously, it fits the perfect happy medium between Java's clumsiness and Scala's everything-plus-the-kitchen-sink syntax.

Unfortunately, clumsiness in implementing security theater has privacy implications.

If much of my investigation seems overly broad, then, that's to be expected: just as a Polaroid photograph develops with broad splotches of color, only acquiring precision at the end of the process, likewise a new investigation must be satisfied with the faith that its clumsiness will be turned into precision with time.

Modern feminist activism seems to me to include an increasing number of people who would happily follow precisely that program -- but who, thus far, have been hamstrung both by their general tactical clumsiness and by their earnestness, an insurmountable obstacle to power in a political system so thoroughly corrupt as that of the United States.

Clumsiness definitions


unskillfulness resulting from a lack of training

See also: awkwardness ineptness ineptitude maladroitness slowness


the carriage of someone whose movements and posture are ungainly or inelegant

See also: awkwardness


the inelegance of someone stiff and unrelaxed (as by embarrassment)

See also: awkwardness gracelessness stiffness