Sacked in a sentence as an adjective

They can be sacked pretty much at will. Healthcare is fubar.

That dude got sacked, and the devs all walked away. Apparently the whole thing cost $400,000.

If you're the Replacement Chief for the Chief who was sacked and sued, you might reconsider...

Whoever thought Windows Server should use the start screen should be sacked. Last week I lit up 2012 servers for a client, and they thought the shell was a joke, literally.

I remember saying to my mum at 8: "I'm worried about my 's'es", and she said "it's hardly likely you'll be sacked from a job because of your 's'es is it?" .

"Not working on Google projects anymore" doesn't imply the same thing as "sacked" where I come from. I think people want a better explanation then what we've seen so far.

They were classified as more harmful in a study by professor David Nutt in the UK. He was then sacked as Government adviser.

Because, most work is going to be automated away, and the only choice we as a society have is: does that mean we all retire, or does that mean we're all sacked? The status quo path leads to chaos.

The privacy watchdog in charge of the spy agency in my country was promptly sacked as soon as they took office. They now operate in total secrecy.

I lived on about half of my income, which wasn't all that uncomfortable, and sacked away the rest. Within three years, I had enough money to make cash loans to my own startup and work for a year without pay.

Of course, if she insisted on not apologizing, then maybe she deserved to get sacked. She should have kept her employer out the spotlight and the best way to do that would've been an apology.

I want to know if anyone was sacked, or went to prison, over this. I refuse to believe that nobody abused this power for revenge against an ex or someone who didn't return their affections.

One surprise was when I got up at 4am to see the famous road bridge at Måløy, and walking through the Panorama deck found there were a dozen people sacked out sleeping on the couches. Apparently you can buy a no-stateroom ticket cheap, and people do.

After about a week I expected everyone to get sacked, instead they got a literal standing ovation for their ceaseless scrambling around.

If engineers started getting sacked for breaking the build, you can be damned sure people would get very scrupulous about only committing working code, whether they're fresh out of school or greybeards. No, it's not a perfect analogy, but I don't think it needs to be.

I got to spend a few days once visiting St. Catherine's Monastery in the Sinai, one of the oldest monasteries in the world, which is famous for having never been sacked. The Codex Sinaiticus was found there, one of the two oldest complete manuscripts of the Bible.

When they saw how good I was, they sacked the senior. I was given a pay cut, ostensibly to keep the lights on, prettied-up with a new contact saying if after a year they were still in business I'd get my salary restored, but a major bonus if they reach profitability or were bought out within a year.

I'm sure Sequoia's companies left that meeting - scared, sacked a bunch of employee's, cleaned out the closest - and the VC's were happy because the capital lasted longer ensuring no more dilutions for themselves and a "trimmer" business even if it was not required. VC's love to blow hot air because it's self-serving."

A letter bearing Forstall's signature would be a clear statement that he was so vital to Apple's future that he was allowed to atone for such a grave error rather than being summarily sacked. It would have made it nearly impossible to fire him, because of the contradictory signals leadership would be sending.

The only thing which can change that is a different manager either because the previous one is sacked or because the development team threatens to resign en masse unless they are given enough control to do their jobs responsibly.

Sacked definitions


having been robbed and destroyed by force and violence; "the raped countryside"

See also: despoiled pillaged raped ravaged