Despoiled in a sentence as an adjective

No, the problem is that when nerds come to the party, the party is despoiled by them. It's not a nerd problem, it's a party problem.

All the first world countries already despoiled and continue to despoil the resources of the world at an alarming rate. They owe a debt, and this is asking them to pay that debt to those who haven't done so.

How has Wal-Mart despoiled American companies? Shipping billions of dollars to China certainly wasn't a free gift.

That way, you have a US routing number along with your normal local bank account number, and then can get your US pay despoiled just as if it were going to a US account. Fees tend to be lower than manually wiring money each month.

The idea that evil Russians despoiled a pristine US media environment is laughable. The only reason this is a big deal at all is that the status quo kingmakers got pwnd in 2016 by internet trolls.

[10] Crowley wrote "that he had shed no blood; robbed no one; and despoiled no country; which is more than can be said of his fellows in that line." [18] Norton magnanimously granted what he considered an Imperial Pardon to the errant policeman.

They have had to live in that imagined idyll where humans have not been despoiled by money... Rather because they have so few material possessions they have no choice but to enjoy the few things they can count on in life.

Agreed, these companies in many ways have despoiled the land as you said but their real motivation is generating profit, they don't necessarily care about the food being low quality, they care that it's good enough for people to buy it and cheap enough to sell it. If alternative meats drive the same demand, or more, as regular meats and can be sold at similar margins, and as a byproduct the companies can say they're on the alternative meats train, I think you'll see them come onboard.

Despoiled definitions


having been robbed and destroyed by force and violence; "the raped countryside"

See also: pillaged raped ravaged sacked