Ovation in a sentence as a noun

I want to give this a standing ovation... but doing so at my desk would be weird.

Glenn Greenwald's talk is over now; loved the standing ovation that just didn't want to end.

Abu-Mostafa got a standing ovation at the end of the course the term I took it.

He got a long standing ovation for his contributions to expose the NSA's war on people.

Let's give a standing ovation for this needed criticism of SO.

Definitely gotta give you guys a standing ovation for yeomen's work.

"Everything about what you do should be commended, but I outright give you a standing ovation for this point.

Here is the truth--actual heroism receives no ovation, entertains no one.

Did she expect the teaching staff to give her a standing ovation for successfully making a "drano bomb" on campus?

Here are a bunch of people who want to ride to the frontiers of space from whatever meagre resources they have and they deserve a standing ovation for that.

' and the serfs let it be passed with standing ovation because of Islamic boogeymen and the handful of anarchists that rioted.

After about a week I expected everyone to get sacked, instead they got a literal standing ovation for their ceaseless scrambling around.

Immediately, I received a standing ovation - granted the students who applauded me were already standing, but I could tell if they were sitting they would have stood up before making noise with their hands.

Ovation definitions


enthusiastic recognition (especially one accompanied by loud applause)