Raiser in a sentence as a noun

Yeah, the "bar raiser" is a concept that you will hear about when you interview there.

I'm an engineer and a 'bar raiser' with 700+ interviews.

Add in Air Force One costs and to me these fund-raisers seems like nothing more than money laundering.

At a Tom Campbell said at a fund raiser once, its hard to appreciate the job from the outside.

Last time I saw the president drive by for a fund-raiser, they closed down the entire route on the roads he was to take.

The only reason that a bar raiser would ask the question would be if the applicant claimed to have the knowledge.

DeepMind is an investment, SnapChat is a revenue raiser.

After some number of interviews, you are considered one of the mystical "bar raisers".

It's gone from personal experiment to fund raiser and company structure in what?

The irony, of course, is that Oatmeal's last fund raiser was for cancer research and wildlife conservation.

!And yes, one guy came in and introduced himself as the 'bar-raiser' sat back in his chair and expected me to be somewhat impressed by this.

The eyebrow-raiser is that Rolling Stone is hardly a non-biased source, I don't think they even try to pretend otherwise.

Are they going to want to put up with being treated that way?In my day, the "bar raiser" didn't announce it, and so you never knew, if you even knew they did that.

I worked for 5 years at Amazon, and bar raisers were carefully selected for their ability to ask questions that probed much more deeply than this.

I've worked at Amazon, both in the warehouse management division as well as AWS, and the whole "bar raiser" phenomenon is mostly just marketing fluff.

I'm shocked that such a trivial detail would be used to disqualify someone by a bar raiser, and guess that it's more the result of faulty reporting than faulty interviewing.

For perspective: I read a bit in the most recent New Yorker describing a fund-raiser dinner with the president; it was $50,000 a plate and the president had one hour which equated to 1 minute per person.

I imagine using a bar raiser increases the randomness of the interview process at Amazon, as it effectively reduces the number of interviewers down to one in the veto case.

Raiser definitions


a bridge partner who increases the partner's bid


someone concerned with the science or art or business of cultivating the soil

See also: agriculturist agriculturalist cultivator grower