Phenomenon in a sentence as a noun

There's actually a formal name for this phenomenon.

But I am quite familiar with the phenomenon, and I know several other nerds who experience the same thing.

We go to you live in Japan, historically believed to be the origin of this dangerous phenomenon.

This new wave of complaining about the lack of attention to "the creative arts" reminds me of that good old cultural phenomenon known as mansplaining.

"The developers said the phenomenon was caused by 'the current elevation of the sun in the sky', and that as Britain heads into autumn the problem should disappear.

"The original cliche refers to a phenomenon where overripe or rotten apples release ethylene gas, which is a ripening agent.

People who've managed teams long-term have probably experienced the phenomenon where a team member leaves because they're unhappy, and suddenly 1/3rd of the rest of the team "wakes up" and starts to churn as well.

Have you considered using randomization to adjust the score of certain comments?HN comments seem to exhibit a rich-get-richer phenomenon.

It's a natural phenomenon which has rather grim implications: if an exchange is conducting fraudulent activity, then the entire bitcoin trading ecosystem is affected.

Semmelweis is a favorite "management science" topic; there's even a pop-psych phenomenon called the "Semmelweis Reflex"; the Wikipedia article on it recapitulates much of what Aaron wrote here.

Operation Darknet is, itself, a pretty interesting phenomenon: Anonymous hacks onion sites, then hands over user information to the FBI for investigation.

I'm not going to into a huge essay against pricing being rational but history has shown time and again that prices reach irrational exuberance; tulip mania and trading sardines are not merely historical phenomenon.

" Rather than snark about how the phenomenon is bosses is somehow unnatural and antithetical to human existence, why don't we work on creating institutions that preserve the advantages of having a boss while ameliorating the disadvantages?

Phenomenon definitions


any state or process known through the senses rather than by intuition or reasoning


a remarkable development