Grower in a sentence as a noun

He's talking about the "price to grower per pound".

You happen to have been an expert tea-grower in the past-- welcome back!

Perhaps the interface to the grower has room for improvement?

The grower then hires people to maintain and protect the grow usually for pretty good money as well.

Way to miss the point of the article, it's about the future of oranges not the future of any orange grower.

As to whether they prosecute growers and dispensaries, that is currently left up to each local DA.

If every grower did this, it would destroy Monsanto's business model.

Here there are investors who buy up a dozen houses through shell corps and hire one grower who sets everything up, and is paid a lot of money.

I wouldn't consider anyone even a small grower unless they make their main living doing it but lots of people sell a few things to make ends meet.

Or a fast-grower like Twitter or Facebook where the stock might triple, but the company already has product/market fit and doesn't need to stumble around searching for it?

People are forced to grow vegetables, there aren't enough buyers per grower to make the demand high enough to make the market fluid, and a single buyer can influence the price.

Where the seller is the direct producer/grower/manufacturer, rather than the producer retailing through many false, reputationless identities,4.

If you used to grow tea, got famous for some awesome blend, started writing books about tea, stopped growing it, then joined a panel with a bunch of other former tea growers and said people need to start growing good tea again... then that'd be closer.

Grower definitions


someone concerned with the science or art or business of cultivating the soil

See also: agriculturist agriculturalist cultivator raiser