Pusher in a sentence as a noun

You, sir, are a cruel cruel drug pusher.

That doesn't imply that a drug-pusher/dealer isn't an *******.

They can deploy even more often if there's a "pusher i haz a hotfix" situation like this.

A pencil pusher doesn't even know what it takes to make the pencil [1] he is pushing, and yet somehow he can ensure that a citizen doesn't lose a job!

The Contract Officer is a paper pusher whose job is to look at the line items in the Request for Proposal, and examine which company's proposal best "hits" each line item.

I don't know if it was mentioned in the article, but after the stick shaker there was also an automatic "stick pusher" event whereby the aircraft tried to automatically recover from an impending stall, when the pilots don't.

\nThere are other fringe benefits too... Dragon2 is re-usable, you could potentially just refuel it, put it back on another rocket and launch it again within a few days.\nAlso, Dragon2 uses a novel pusher-type launch-escape-system that's integrated into the capsule instead of being jettissoned on each launch.

Pusher definitions


one who intrudes or pushes himself forward

See also: thruster


an unlicensed dealer in illegal drugs

See also: peddler


someone who pushes

See also: shover


a sandal attached to the foot by a thong over the toes

See also: zori


a small vehicle with four wheels in which a baby or child is pushed around

See also: carriage perambulator pram stroller go-cart pushchair