Carriage in a sentence as a noun

When we invented the car, carriage makers went out of work - but more unskilled jobs popped up in its place.

No Lady is going to travel to London in one of those crazy horseless carriages.

Pierre didn't die of cancer - he slipped off the sidewalk was run over by a carriage.

He may as well "admit" he's never owned a horse-drawn carriage.

That's like saying that cars have cost horse carriage manufacturers $X billion.

Horseless carriages are hardly going to plow a field?Content for readers was never the business they were in true.

Sounds to me like JetBlue also violated common carriage rules.

The common carriage clause is great and is actually the only way to build networks like this if you want competition.

They aren't Microsoft missing out on tablets carriage makers that should have started making auto parts.

Due to the recession, the train companies have taken to making money on the side by turning every fourth carriage into a traveling meth lab.

The F-35 being a stealth design, it has been "optimized" for internal carriage of weapons and fuel, whereas with the F-16 you probably just add a drop-tank if you need more range.

[1] Sources from the late 17th and early 18th century in England write of aristocrats pitting their carriage footmen, constrained to walk by the speed of their masters' carriages, against one another.

Why, if it were trivial for people to move a carriage from point A to point B, the business model for buggy whip makers might vanish!Why should we be concerned about obsolete business models failing?

The automobile eliminated the professions of carriage drivers and horseback riders.

Possibly the most annoying thing in the entire world is standing on a tube to work and have some bastard breeze into the carriage, obviously on holiday, and loudly declaim how miserable everyone looks and how glad they are that they don't have to do this every day.

The same thing that would happen if he shot the tires off the Fedex truck?This article raises some good points about the political ramifications of drone technology, and some excellent ones about it being a PR move to squelch negative reporting, but I'm left with the feeling that, if he were alive a century ago, James Ball wouldn't be out of place writing an article titled "Sears & Roebuck to stop horse-drawn carriage delivery in favor of the automobile?\u0010 Don't believe the hype".

Carriage definitions


a railcar where passengers ride

See also: coach


a vehicle with wheels drawn by one or more horses

See also: equipage


characteristic way of bearing one's body; "stood with good posture"

See also: bearing posture


a machine part that carries something else


a small vehicle with four wheels in which a baby or child is pushed around

See also: perambulator pram stroller go-cart pushchair pusher