Pushchair in a sentence as a noun

Boarding and alighting is much faster, and there's more space for pushchairs etc.

I also fell for the girl in tears outside my front door, complete with baby in pushchair.

You don't need an expensive pushchair and you can carry the baby around and use both your hands.

Or maybe I notice more due to jealousy: one of the regulars is usually a minute or two faster than my best even with the pushchair!

* Wider paths to support both walkers, people with pushchairs, and slow recreational cyclist like me without pushing one into the road or hedge as they pass.

The magic wire that extends your back yard to cover the whole neighbourhood so you can take your kid in a pushchair or carry your house keys when you go for a walk.

For example, two parents with pushchairs will walk side by side, expecting other pedestrians to step into the gutter or into the road.

Assuming the stroller is synonym for a pushchair/buggy then the best alternative IMO, unless the parent is infirm in some way, is a sling and backpack.

Bear in mind that, if that really happens, it is a much, much less frequent occurrence than people being aided by the dropped kerbs and not stumbling/falling with pushchairs, wheelchairs or unsteady feet when mounting full height curbs .

This seems only tangentially relevant ... babies can be transported just as well in prams, pushchairs, on buses, trains, aircraft, hovercraft, or even specially adapted cargo bicycles.

Amazon is perfectly happy to print books on demand for low-circulation paperback books [1].The kind of build-on-demand system that could print an iPhone then a DVD then a pushchair then a fitted shirt then a delicious tomato then a bottle of olive oil is a long way off. I'd happily bet $10 that such technology won't be commonplace by 2040.

Pushchair definitions


a small vehicle with four wheels in which a baby or child is pushed around

See also: carriage perambulator pram stroller go-cart pusher